Welcome to OSAA - Student

OSAA’s purpose is to engage students in a vibrant learning environment in the hopes that it will enrich students’ experience in the campus and community, caring for their whole person development and cultivating them to be responsible global citizens and professionals.

We accomplish this, amongst other things, through the following:

Adaptation support

We organise different academic programmes to help develop the skills of students in different aspects, such as the Buddy Programme. The Buddy Programme is designed for international and exchange students. They can get help and support from older and/or local students in order to more smoothly integrate into a new society and environment.

Career Services

We provide help and support to our students in their career development through a wide range of personal advice sessions, workshops, and course training. Through these initiatives, USJ students are well prepared in skills and up for the challenges of the global workplace.

Student Organisation Services

We provide assistance to every student organisation (e.g., clubs) by providing activity management advising, fund seeking, venue booking, etc., in order to enrich students’ university life.


A well-rounded student requires both mental and physical training to meet the rigorous challenges of tertiary education and to prepare them for their future careers. Sports are an important and exciting part of student life at USJ. Students grow as individuals by being part of a team and experiencing appropriate competitive opportunities. We initiate sports activities in cooperation with students and associations and seek sport facilities for students and clubs.

Workshops and other activities

We can help organise events and activities for both students and USJ staff in order to build a closer relationships between both parties.

Scholarships and Fellowships

Scholarships are gift funds that are awarded to students with high academic achievement and with financial difficulties. These are positive reinforcements for high achievers to continue striving to their full potential and also assists students with financial difficulties to pursue their passion for learning. We negotiate with corporations or individual donors for scholarship donations so as to include the number of scholarships and number of students to be awarded.

For students who have any financial difficulties, we can offer financial aid through a scholarship. For more details, please visit our Financial Aid page.

Support for students with special needs

We also offer help and support for students with disabilities, for more information, please visit our Students with Special Needs page.

USJ supports the Macao SAR’s initiative for the “Conventions on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities”.

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Alumni service support  

We offer our support to the graduates of USJ: the Alumni. We provide support and services through the Alumni Association (AAUSJ). AAUSJ meetings are held regularly to plan annual events, activities and gatherings to continue to strengthen the bond between the University and its graduates.

Last Updated: August 30, 2019 at 2:46 pm